Spring into art at the Henry with a day of creativity, conversation, and discovery! Get hands-on in a drop-in workshop with artist and poet
Mita Mahato, experience the powerful voices of the
Seattle Trans and Nonbinary Choral Ensemble (STANCE), hear artist
Josh Faught discuss his new exhibition, and explore rarely seen objects in the newly reopened
Eleanor Henry Reed Collection Study Center. Whether you're an art enthusiast or simply curious, there’s something for everyone to enjoy!
Spring Open House Schedule
All-Day Activities: Hot Chocolate Station | Scavenger Hunt | Collection Study Center Open | Auditorium Quiet Zone
Drop-In Artmaking Workshop with Mita Mahato
Sessions: 11 AM–12:30 PM and 1:30–3 PM
Location: Education Studio
Choral Performances by Seattle Trans and Nonbinary Choral Ensemble (STANCE)
Sessions: 11:45 AM–12 PM and 1–1:15 PM
Location: Lower Level Galleries
Collections Presentation
Sessions: 12:30–1 PM and 3–3:30 PM
Location: Eleanor Henry Reed Collection Study Center (Mezzanine)
Gallery Talk with Josh Faught
Session: 2–3 PM
This event is free and open to all. Bring your friends and family!