Collectors Circle: $2,000+
All Contemporaries benefits plus:
- Invitations to behind-the-scenes collection viewings at the Henry
- Invitation to annual Director’s Holiday Party
- Set of blank art greeting cards (claim at the Henry)
- Recognition on museum patron donor wall and in our annual report
- Membership in the University of Washington President’s Circle, including invitations to the annual President’s Circle Reception in Sylvan Grove
$1,800 of your donation is tax-deductible
Director's Circle: $5,000+
All Collectors benefits plus:
- Invitations to private artist dinners & VIP tours
- Salon series invitations in private homes
- Opportunity to arrange a VIP exhibition tour for six with Henry leadership or curators
- Complimentary exhibition catalogues and publications for all exhibitions during the membership term (claim at the Henry)
- Invitation to exclusive Seattle Art fair events
$4,700 of your donation is tax-deductible
Artist's Circle: $10,000+
All Directors benefits plus:
- Invitation to intimate pre-gala celebration
- Invitation to an annual trip to international art fairs with a curated itinerary of exclusive events
- Opportunity to arrange a private consultation of your personal artwork collection and storage care with the Henry’s expert collections staff
- Complimentary Contemporaries membership for a person of your choice
$9,600 of your donation is tax-deductible