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Saturday, November 21, 2015, 1:00 PM —
2:00 PM
Sound Bath: Daniella White
A sound bath is an improvised concert played with the intent of releasing energy that no longer serves you. Participants lie in a comfortable position on the floor while crystal bowls bathe you in sound vibrations to help you achieve a deep state of relaxation and retune your thoughts. This program encourages an awareness of the body in space, a concept present in the Henry's current exhibitions.
Daniella White is an Usui Reiki Master and certified Sound Healer. Studying the effects sound has on the brain and body, she discovered a unique way to combine reiki and sound therapy using a sound bath as a method of healing.
This event is public.
Henry Art Gallery is accessible to all visitors. Please notify the staff of any special needs or concerns when planning to attend this event.