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Henry Auditorium
Thursday, October 15, 2015, 7:00 PM —
8:30 PM
Pablo Helguera: Los Raros (The Irregulars)
In 2001, Pablo Helguera's brother, the writer Luis Ignacio Helguera (1961-2003), worked on a short-lived magazine titled Paréntesis. Its first issue, to which both brothers contributed, was dedicated to "irregular" writers (escritores raros). Luis Ignacio's interest in this type of writer (Julio Torri, Mariano Silva y Aceves, and the Uruguayan writer and pianist Felisberto Hernández, to name a few), and the tribute he paid them in his own work, caused him to embrace the label "escritor raro" as he pursued his own short fiction writing.
Celebrating the work of "escritores raros," Helguera will read short stories and show images that will create an unusual counterpoint to the narration. The works read will include Felisberto Hernández's "Menos Julia" (Except Julia), Luis Ignacio Helguera's "Viveros" (Nursery), and Helguera's own "Casa Plarre."
$10 general admission, $6 seniors, free for Henry members
This event is public.
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