Please note that in preparation for our annual
gala ➞, the Henry will be closed all day Saturday, April 5. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Henry Art Gallery
Sunday, January 22, 2017, 2:00 PM —
3:00 PM
Conversation with Chris E. Vargas
Join Chris E. Vargas, exhibition curator and executive director of the Museum of Transgender Hirstory and Art, for a talk about
Trans Hirstory in 99 Objects. This program immediately follows
Esdras Parra’s Este suelo secreto (To Be Human Once More), a reading of Parra’s poetry by micha cárdenas, whose work is featured in
Trans Hirstory in 99 Objects. Vargas will expand upon themes of intergenerational connection raised in this reading and also speak to the process of bringing past and present together within the exhibition.
Chris E. Vargas is a video maker and interdisciplinary artist based in Bellingham, WA, who received his MFA in the Department of Art Practice at the University of California, Berkeley in 2011. In collaboration with
Greg Youmans, he created the web-based trans/cisgender sitcom
Falling In Love ... with Chris and Greg (2008 - 2013). With Eric Stanley, Vargas co-directed the film Homotopia (2006) and its feature-length sequel Criminal Queers (2015).
This event is public.
Henry Art Gallery is accessible to all visitors. Please notify the staff of any special needs or concerns when planning to attend this event.